Sunday, August 25, 2013

In The Moment

As I begin a new journey in my life I am trying to take a few moments and really enjoy the moment.  I realize that stopping to enjoy the moment at any given time is going to be what keeps me going forward.  Being in the moment and enjoying it will help me remember why I am doing it Being in the moment will bring the original excitement  back when the days become night and the nights become days and I am still in the grind of getting it all done.  The excitement might fade at times, but being in the moment will lighten up the darkness that likes to creep up on us unexpectedly.   Being in the moment will help me wipe the tears away find my inner strength to keep it moving.

New journeys, new beginnings, walking a different path, going outside the box, having faith that I am worthy of new opportunities, so exciting, so inspiring, so uplifting and so what is needed at this very moment in my life.

Enjoying the moment when my kids, husband, family and friends tell me they are proud of me and are there for me when I need them, speechless.  Definitely motivation and powerful when the confidence lacks or I am too overwhelmed with all the craziness going on in my life. 

When the tears come and I ask myself what the hell was I thinking, getting back in the moment quickly reminds me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I decided to take this journey because the end result was long awaited. 

I had to get to a point in my life when my words were no longer words I wrote or spoke to others.  There is never anything wrong with being supportive to others, but I needed to feel those words for myself.

I needed to believe the words I wrote and spoke!  I could not and will not be helpful to others if I failed to take care of myself.  

I needed to first uplift my spirits! 

I needed to motivate myself!   

My words had to have meaning to me.  I needed to believe I was worthy of something more.  I needed to believe I was worthy of accepting my next role in life. 

I needed to understand that the path I was so afraid to take was the path that was meant for me, just waiting to be traveled on when I was ready. 

The path was waiting to be walked on by me, only when I became confident in my abilities, confident in being that person I have grown to be.  That path, filled with so many roadblocks, put there just for me.  I am only given what I can handle.

Taking this journey has already brought so many raw and painful memories.  I remember clearly the path that led me on the road I am now traveling.  Now, years older and wiser I can appreciate all of the trials and tribulations.  I am okay with how I ended on the road I traveled for so many years and know that I am who I am because of it.  I am taking this journey because I am stronger and I want something more. 

I am in the moment.  I am in the moment, staying connected to my emotions and appreciating the journey, appreciating the path that appears so smooth with no footprints to follow, except the footprints that I will leave.  I am leaving my footprints on this path and it will be one so worth watching and traveling with.

I am in the moment with appreciation for those that are and have been supportive.  I am in the moment and I am going to enjoy each and every second, minute, hour and day.  When I am overwhelmed, it is that moment I will escape to and regroup, get in touch with my emotions and when necessary, make changes accordingly and continue on the path that was meant just for me!

In the moment because I am ready to get to the next level!