Monday, November 21, 2016


I am my only keeper.

No one else controls my destiny.

I am the only one that can make myself happy.

Wipe the tears away and stand on your two feet.

The road is a circle.

At the end it will only lead back to you.

You are the only one that can bring satisfaction to you.

Open your eyes and your heart to yourself and love the person in the mirror.

At the end of the day when you are in need of love, it might only be self-love that you will need to stay safe and alive.


Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes.

Accept the person you are.

Be ope to change.

Fulfill the inner-child.

Release the pain.

Find the anger that is killing you.

Hold the child within.


Who do you want to be?

How do people see you?

How do they react to you?

Enter into the life of happiness.

Open your mind up and accept change.

Be okay with yourself.

Love the person you are and prepare yourself for a ride.

Prepare for the good and the bad.

Bad is evil.  But, that is okay.

Evil can be beaten.

Good overcomes all.

Good always wins.


Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes.

Take me back, back to the days of happiness, nothing but happiness.

Close your eyes.

Remember the days of a brighter tomorrow.

Everything will be okay, just hold onto the good times.

Realize who you are.

Realize you are somebody and no one can take from you what you don't allow them to take.

Close your eyes.

Smile, laugh, cry, and forgive the child within.

Smile for the beautiful person you are.  Honest, full of love and positive energy.

Laugh at the choices you have made.  You were only a child.

Cry for the child that was innocent.

No, that child did not deserve what seeped through the open wounds.

Cry and let it out.  Crying ever hurt anyone.

Forgive, forgive the child.  

Realize she was a child and a child cannot take on the responsibilities of a grown adult.  

Forgive and allow the healing to begin.

Open your eyes.

Take me forward.

Forward to days of inner peace, hope, and faith.

Relax and inhale life, day by day.

Open your eyes.

Dream of good, peaceful, and happy days.

Accept who you have become ad remember to take one day at a time.


My Heart

Like an open wound, my heart feels its pain.

Like a child without its parents, my heart feels its pain.

Like a victim violated by a stranger, my heart feels its pain.

No one knows how it feels until it has happened to them.
Words cannot explain the pain.

It is worse than getting hit by a car or or not doing well in school.

The heart is like a person.

The heart has feelings, feelings that hurt, feelings that are full of pain with deep, genuine emotion.

Right now my heart is full of pain.

The pain is trapped in me though.

The pain my heart is feeling wants to get out.
But how?

The pain pains me and I don't know how to let it out.

I can feel the pain in my head, pounding like a hammer, pounding away at a nail.

I can feel the pain in my heart, squeezing like a juice machine squeezing away at a piece of fruit for fruit juice.

I can feel the pain in my stomach, sticking like a needle in a pack of ten, sticking away at the arm.

I can feel the pain in my love parts, burning like an intruder pushing themselves in me without any feeling of true love.

I can feel the pain aching in my feet like a person who has walked for ten years without stopping.

The pain pains me and I don't know how to let it out.

Like an open wound, my heart heels its pain.

No one knows how it feels until it has happened to them.

My heart is like a person.

Right ow my heart is full of pain.

The pain pais me ad I don't know how to let it out.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Are You Ready For A Change??

Change is inevitable. 

Change is scary, but healthy. 

  • Regardless how difficult it might seem, doing something different might be that one thing that allows the change to happen with grace. 

Change allows growth.

  • Growth brings us new and different opportunities with the ability to make choices with a more open and clear picture. 

Today, I am going to do something different to allow change, therefore allowing continued growth.

10/09/2016 - AM

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Pictures - Worth A Thousand Words

It is sometimes easier to focus on the negative.  You know, when things seem not to be going the way you want them to.  Dissecting what you should of, could of, would of...all easily fills the empty spaces in your mind.

Definitely not the life I want to live, not at all.  It sucks every piece of energy out of me.  Let me tell you, fighting depression alone is enough, why give anymore energy to it.

So, today, this moment, I take the time to go through photos of memories with family and friends.  I cry happy tears.  I smile.  Sometimes a laugh will escape and warm my aching heart.

I do this to remind myself that my life is filled with cherished memories.  A reminder that I have so much to be grateful for and I must hold onto all that love and happiness.

11/12/2016 @ 11:44 AM

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Let's Talk About You

Let's talk about you.
Stop looking to others to find your self-worth.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what makes you happy, what makes you sad?
What makes you laugh?  What makes you cry?

Look in the mirror.
Look deep down in your heart, in your soul, and tell me who you are.
Let's talk about you!  Yes, you!

Are you fulfilling your inner desires?
Are you looking to others to bring you happiness and satisfy your needs?

Have you made the necessary steps to achieve your goals?
Do you remember the dreams of that child within?

Let's talk about you!
Get grounded!
Be in the moment!
Let's do some self-reflection and talk about you!

Too many times we look to others to find ourselves.
Take the time to learn you, love you, and appreciate you!
Lets's talk about you by starting with you, not looking to others for the answers no one can truly answer better than we can for ourselves.

Let's talk about you!

11/02/2016 - 3:38 PM

Compassion: A Gift To Self

"All my life, I have wanted to lead people to an empathy space, to a gratitude space.  I want us each to be awake to our full potential, to find our calling, and to summon the courage to live it.  Imagine a world where we all lift ourselves up, and then reach out and lift someone else.  And so together, we rise."
- Oprah Winfrey

It doesn't matter how easy or hard our lives have been up to this very moment.  Each of these moments have a very significant impact on our lives which helps us make the many decisions during.  Each decision will have an effect either on ourselves or somebody else.  Positive or negative.  Cause and effect.

For my own personal happiness I try to lead a life of wanting to feel compassion for others, regardless of whether I have had like experience(s).  I want others to know I hold no judgments, as I could never understand fully their personal journey.  I want and hope for them to feel the love and support of someone else.  This might be the one thing that helps them to stay strong and continue to fight through their obstacles.  Therefore, achieving their own self-worth, and/or success.

Being compassionate will allow me to receive the blessings of life.  I will always learn how selflessness will provide me the true love for others, and in return, true love of myself.  A gift in itself.

11/02/2016 - 1:35 PM