Friday, February 22, 2013

There is no room for self-pity!

For the last two and a half months I have been walking around feeling sorry for myself, questioning anything and everything that I perceive as being wrong in my life. I have those "aha" moments when I wish my arms were long enough to give myself a nice swift slap across the face. Not one of those fake T.V smacks. The kind you want to give someone on your last nerve and say "Wake the fuck up, snap out of it, get over it, get over yourself!" Those moments last about 2 seconds because I fall right back into self-pity.

Today, no different than most days, I have been on the computer job searching. I have been asking myself the same question over and over, "Michelle, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Reality, once again has set in and I remind myself that I am an adult, I have responsibilities and I have to make the best out of my situation because I have people that depend on me. I cannot afford to wallow in my self-pity and believe that my situation will become better with some sort of luck.  I have to get up, put my big girl panties on and suck it up!  It is up to me to make my situation better.  I ultimately am the one in control of how my life is going to turn out.  While I am not able to control others and situations around me, I am able to control how I respond.

I reflect on a meeting I had with my son’s teachers and guidance counselor yesterday.  I called the meeting for the sole purpose of making sure my son understood he was the only one at this point in his life that could control how far and how successful he would become.  It was simple because he has two choices; allow the frustrations of the “system” to motivate him to do well so he could put himself in a situation where he could influence change or, become frustrated, give up and not believe that he has a purpose to influence change, therefore, be at the mercy of others who will determine how successful you would become…only because he had allowed it when he had the most control (doing well in school and furthering his education).  Sixteen years old, a man in the eyes of the law, he had been given the tools to be successful.  At the end of the day, he would always have family support, but more importantly, he needed to have self-motivation to push him to that next level of success. 

Last night when I came home, my son’s father asked him how he was doing?  “Why do you have that sour pus face?”  My son’s response, “I was having a great day until Mom came to my school and didn’t say what I needed her to say.”  Me being me…I couldn’t help but to chuckle.  It was clear that he missed the entire point of my visit.  So, I broke it down to him, very raw…Dad joined in and concluded the conversation, just Dad and Son. 

In conclusion, I am putting forth much effort and will remind myself daily:

I love me, I love Michelle.

I love the trials and tribulations from my past because they have made me who I am today.  It is because of those many heartaches, those many tears I shed, those many times I gave up and almost surrendered my will to live that has made me as strong as I am today.  

There are days I hurt, there are days I remember, there are days it feels I cannot let go of the hate. 

Then there are days I wake up and smile.  I wake up with a sense of purpose.  Self-motivation, self-love is oh so present.  My sense of who I am is so evident in my smile, in the glow that radiates off of my being.  Those are the days I wake up and embrace all of my insecurities and repeatedly proclaim I am loved, I have a purpose, I will be okay because I am only given what I can handle!

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