Sunday, September 22, 2013

Never too Late to Say Thank You for All the Support!

As I get older and wiser (hahahaha, yeah right!), I realize all of the wonderful people I have in my life. Those that lift me up in my times of sorrow and despair and hold no judgment! I realize that I am a work in progress and as the seasons pass, I get riper and sweeter, each morning as the sun rises! HOT DAMN! I realize that those that surround me are the nutrients that sustain me! I realize those that surround me are those that accept me for who I am, regardless of all my F’d up actions and thought processes. I realize I am surrounded with love and support and I MUST HOLD onto this in order to survive life, as destiny has been already determined! ???! QUESTION MARK, ALL CAPS!!! I must remember that even though I have no control over destiny, I am a factor in my end game plan. I will end up where I should be because it is simply the way it should be! HOWEVER, if that plan does not look good to me, STOP, HALT, HOLD UP PEEPS, we are back to the drawing board because I will NOT settle for anything but the best, anything but the end result of my life aspirations, my dreams, my hopes….hence, I will not settle, not one day in life…each day I will challenge myself and push myself to the goal of self-actualization, YES, self-actualization! Why, because that is who I am!!! I am a hot mess, I am one to be reckoned with, I am loyal, dedicated and ambitious. I sleep, dream and daydream success…why, because without dreaming success, who are you? What are you? What makes you and what defines you? Day to day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second? What takes you to the next level of defining who you are and what you stand for?

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