Friday, March 27, 2015

100% Survival Mode!

So, I have been quiet for more than a few months.  

My silence has been represented by an understanding that no one wants to hear my sorrows anymore. 

But guess what?

It is NOT about you!

I must, I must for my survival, be selfish!

I must, I must be expressive and not worry about what others will think!

I must believe that those those care and love me understand me, support me and know how to do that whether at arms length, or holding me up when I have fallen and can't support myself!

My silence is a representation of who I am, how I feel, what I think my self worth is at this moment,

The moment and moments that I have silenced my voice,

I am searching fiercely to express myself.

Searching to express myself without any restraints

Yet, I understand some constraints are needed, I am all out of whack.

Not out of wack to myself, but to others.

Maybe...the good thing here is I don't give a damn who and how this affects others at this point.  For some, this might be alarming...for others, you understand and respect that I am healing in my own time!

My silence has held me captive for so long.  Captive in a world of distress, dishonesty and despair.  

My silence has drawfed my growth and,hell no, not anymore!

Birds of a feather flock together and I am not that feather!

I am that ugly duckling waiting...waiting,. waiting 

I am that ugly duckling waiting to turn into the swan that puts the look of awe in all those that stare uncontrollably.

I am that Dumbo, pecuilar and so out of my comfort zone, 

Simply waiting for those that look at my perseverance to look in awe as I graciously and patiently stand in the line of self-determined success.

The success is not the success that others have decided are mine. 

The success is what I have determined is mine.

Birds of a feather flock together and I am not that feather!

I am that shooting star that comes unexpectedly.

I am that eclipse, that is once in a lifetime to some.

I am ME, the one who will, with tenacity, weather the storm and at the  end, survive and work through the turmoil.

I am a survivor.

I am self-empowered.

Why?  Because I have a reason to live.  I have a reason to feel happiness and enjoy my life on this Earth.  

Why should I not be happy?

Why should I live in misery?  Misery loves company and guess what Misery?

I am a miserable piece of shit sometimes.  My misery far out weighs yours and you in no way can take it on.

So, guess what?

Let's make a pact!

I will overload your plate.  I will handle mine.

What does this mean?

It means if I have people in my life that truly care and love me, they will weather this storm.  No different a storm than I have worked through before.  

The difference, I am a willing fighter, a willing warrior in this battle.  I will not lay down my sword and be defeated.  I will fight and will continue to fight for happiness, satisfaction, for inner peace.

Why, because I deserve it and I am damn worthy of it.

Don't like it?

Let me know now, leave my surroundings.

Leave me and let me be.  

I will be just fine with whomever is in my corner of this fight.  

Trust and believe, defeat will lose!

Birds of a feather flock together and I am not that feather!

I am that shooting star that comes unexpectedly.

I am that eclipse, that is once in a lifetime to some.

I am ME, the one who will, with tenacity, weather the storm and at the  end, survive and work through the turmoil.

I am a survivor.

I am self-empowered!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Flower - Part II

Like a flower losing petals at the end of the season.

Like a tree losing its leaves at the end of the season

The heart, so fragile, yet so strong

Like a flower, like a tree, the heat years for needed nutrients to survive.

Every storm the heart weathers, it weakens it while making it stronger

We not know our strength

We not know our resiliency

We not know our self-love

Not until we are forced to weather the storm.

Liker a flower, like a tree, the heart yearns for needed nutrients to survive

Love, understanding, acceptance, forgiveness.

More important to the heart is, 

Self - Love, 

Self, Understanding, 

Self, Acceptance, 

And forgiveness.

The heart is a tree full of vibrant leaves that deteriorates without the needed nutrients to keep it strong, 

Pumping each branch with those nutrients allows for the heart to weather the storm and rebuild itself after.

Each storm makes us stronger, more vibrant, more beautiful.

Some storms will break the heart to a point that seem unrepairable.  But our hearts are stronger than that.

Love, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness from others help strengthen the heart.


Self - love, self- understanding, self- acceptance, and forgiveness will allow the heart to weather each storm so our hearts become stronger, more vibrant, and more beautiful.