11/15/2015 (Sunday) @ 1:29 PM
Family loves us unconditionally no matter how much pain we have put them through.
When we are at our lowest points we could count on them to come through to help us.
We might not have liked or appreciated them when they gave us tough love, but sometimes that was exactly what we needed the most.
We got so caught up in our own shit, we forgot; but most of the time we didn't care where we threw the shit and who we threw it at.
We became selfish beings and had no problem taking, taking, and taking until we took so much that they had nothing more for us to take.
That sometimes did not matter to our family because we had not taken their love for us.
When everyone else had lost faith and given up on us, they came through every time.
They were just waiting for us to take that one step out of the cement to pull us up before we sunk.
I would call it a miracle, a divine intervention from our Higher Being that helped get us to take that next step in our journey.
Even for those of us that have gotten in touch with our Higher Being, trust and believe we have someone always looking out for us, something greater than ourselves that is waiting on the mountain top, ready to guide us out of our insanity to lead us on a mission of something greater and more powerful that we have ever imagined.
We decided that we were ready to at least try something new, something different.
We had become weak and desperate.
In our own insanity, we forgot who were and what we wanted in life.
We had to be ready and willing to take the next step in our journey.
We had to get to a point that anything was better than the life we were living.
With death knocking at our door, we needed a divine intervention.
Be it God, Jesus, or a Greater Being of our own understanding, greater than ourselves; we had to be ready...and were.
Our journey was just beginning and will never end.
As we walk through the sand, we lay our own footprints.
We must not look back because the footprints we lay are in the past.
Look forward and continue on your path.
Your path is yours to make.
Make your path beautiful.
Step hard and with confidence.
This is your journey.
Be proud, not prideful.
Be humble, not arrogant.
Be forgiving of yourself because we all deserve another chance.
We are worthy of a beautiful life!
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