Friday, April 12, 2013

Today I Feel Good

What do you do when you are feeling down?

What do you do when your thoughts are overwhelming and you can't keep the memories away?

What do you do?

We each do things differently.

No room for judgment, simple understanding and respect that each person handles their pain, their struggles differently.

Today, I have been awake most of the night, fully awake since early this morning.  At times pacing back and forth in my room.

Today, I woke up my children, with a very calm voice.  Their refusal to wake after the 2nd time did not get my pressure up.  I went to them the 3rd time and told them they needed to get it together, stated in a calm voice.

I started cleaning and organizing.

I started planning my day.

Today, like most of my days, I take each day and celebrate it.

Today, I reflect and thank God for all of the glory in my life.  My situation might seem to be bad at this very moment, but someone has gotten it worse.  I am thankful for what I do have and who I do have in my life!

Today, I reflect and appreciate that I am here and I am surrounded by those that love me and work with me through my struggles, no judgment, only support.

Today, I refuse to lay in the bed and feel sorry for myself.

Today, I challenge myself to be productive for myself, not for others.  I remember that I cannot be of service to anyone else if I do not take care of me.

Today, I meditate, breathing in all life has to offer and continue another day as a survivor, another day as a strong woman who has a purpose.

Today, I feel good.  It is early and I have things to do!  Things to do to continue to make me feel good!  Today, I feel good!

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