Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Moment of Clarity

02/18/2016 (Thursday) - 4:14 PM

It began with a moment of clarity,

A moment when I realized I had to make a conscious decision whether I wanted to live or die, fight back or surrender.

The countdown had begun and I had made my decision.  Everyone would be better without my presence in their lives.

However, He had a different plan for me.

The heavens were not ready to receive me yet.

I was not ready to go home to my final resting place yet.

My new season was just ready to begin.

The light from the moon shined through the window blinds, shining as if leading a path for me to be found by his Prophets.

I laid on my bed, ready to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

I did not fully understand why, but I felt with all my heart and soul the presence of His Spirit within me, ready to be released into me.

There was this sensation deep within me that knew that there was a purpose for me.

My life, my journey I had traveled and was still traveling was a testimony for others.

My story, my journey had a purpose. 

Not quite sure why, but I knew it did.

My testimony was a part of the tide that merged with other tides, full of many testimonies that would become a beautiful wave deep in the ocean, building up higher and stronger until it reached the coast lines and beach fronts for all to see, becoming an angelic picture to frame in the memories of our dreams.

When our testimony is shared, our dreams of healing helps to heal others.  Our pain will be salvaged for the good of many lost souls looking for the same inner-peace.

The heavens were not ready to receive me yet.

I was not ready to go home to my final resting place yet.

My new season was just ready to begin.

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