Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I often ask myself what I did to deserve everything that has happened to me in the past.

I often ask myself why was I chosen to be the one another would want to take advantage of of to hurt.

I often have wondered if I was the cause of the many misfortunes of my life.

I often wonder.

At the same time, I realize what could of, should of, and would of is just that.

The past cannot be changed, on the way I acccept the past.

However, regardless of my lack of self-confidence, regardless of believing, I deserve positivity, my past haunts me!

Before I even wake, my mind is racing, I am raped in my nightmare, until my body becomes strong enough to wake itself up.

When I wake, the world around me sees so closed in.

From deep within, my body wants to scream, wants to explode, wants to cry out all the aggravation, sadness, and fear.

Deep down inside I know I am not to blame.

Deep down inside I know I am a good person.

Deep down inside I know I deserve love, affection, and respect.

Why do I question, why?

Why do I question whether or not I am to blame?

Why do I question whether or not I am worthy of love and respect?

We must not question what we are and who we have become.

We must learn that we have love and support all around us and need to learn to accept what has and is being offered.

We must learn to trust in ourselves and believe in ourselves.

In order to feel whole, we need, we must love ourselves!

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