Everyday I wake up and wonder if this will be the day. Everyday I lay my head I wonder if this is the day.
What is that day? It is the day when I have had enough and no longer am willing to fight. No longer willing to fight to live a life of happiness, of the thought and belief that it will be a good day, a day when life is so worth living for.
Don't get me wrong. I have so much to live for. Despite all of the negative energy that surrounds me and seems to attach to me like a leach sucking all the blood from my veins, there is a lot of positive energy.
But, sometimes it is not enough. It is not enough because the pain is so excruciating and it seems to over power anything full of life.
So, I hold on tight. I hold on with dear life. At night when the flashbacks become unbearable I wrap my legs around my husbands' and I hold on tight until he awakens, feels my uneasiness, and holds me tighter.
I get tired of the fight.
I get tired of those that do not understand, yet still judge.
I get tired or proving myself worthy. Even though I know I have proved myself to have integrity and be a good, positive person, and role-model.
I get tired! I am simply tired because it seems through experience, my few imperfections outweigh any good I have done.
It makes me mad!
It makes me angry!
The stigma associated with having a mental defect is sometimes too much to bare.
I suffer from PTSD from multiple traumas, as a direct result of those traumas, I suffer from depression.
I have good days, I have bad days.
My bad days are full of me sleeping in, not wanting to dress, too afraid to go outside. When I have to go outside during these times, I end up in crisis.
I have not been able to control these crisis this time around yet. I know they are there and these are the days I am unable to get myself to shower, dress, or even eat.
Then, there are the days when the energy is so strong, so on-point, I am in "heaven." I feel accomplished. I feel successful. I want to take on the world and I pray long and hard that the feelings I am having are strong enough to keep going and I stay on track.
Why can't these moments happen more often than not?
Because it is the disease. It is a disease. No different from working the program designed by a doctor trying to rid cancer, I have to work my program to stay mentally healthy.
Each and everyday.
I want to wake up from this nightmare.
I want to go to sleep knowing the nightmare is over.
But it isn't. Not yet, because it is and will be a nightmare that will forever be there until I am able to control the strong feelings that come with it.
One day, just one day...I will wake from this nightmare and have the control of whether I will let it take over my being.
But today, I am working through it and when I am done, those that had doubts or took away from what kept me going...they will wonder.
You will wonder what you lost because this is just the beginning. My story had just begun!