I push him away.
I push him away because he loves me.
I push him away because he doesn’t hurt me.
I don’t know how to stop pushing you away.
I love you with all my heart.
You are there when no one else is.
You love me, despite all my imperfections.
You love me for me.
I fuck up all the time, but you continue to love me.
You love me for me.
Thank you, you were and always have been my knight and
shining armor.
The day you came into my life, that was the right moment…right
second, right minute, right hour.
I was on the path to self-destruction.
I didn’t care.
I had nothing to lose at that moment.
I wanted all the pain to stop.
You gave me a reason to live.
I can never repay you for my life.
People don’t understand our unity,
But our unity is solid!
It is a unity filled with true love, true sacrifice, true commitment!
You loved me for me!
You loved me despite all my imperfections!
You catch me when I fall, which is very often lately, THANK
You tell me when I fuck up!
You tell me what areas I need to approve on!
You tell me what I am good at, when I am good at something,
You are my knight and shining …I NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT AND
Maybe it sounds like a fairy tale…but it is not!
I am telling you, you are my rock!
I am telling you, you are my soul mate!
I am telling you, you demand and expect the best from me and
I am who I am because you are a part of that package. You are the one that helped me become the
woman I am today! THANK YOU!
You do not and will not allow me to give up on myself. You support me and demand from me the best
when no one else does.
You refuse to give up on me.
No matter how much I push you away, no matter how much I
While others wait forever to find someone that loves them as
much as you love me, I have found my angel.
I have found my protector!
I might not tell you enough, but I love you…with everything
I have…you help me make me…you complete me…
You are the true definition of love! I laugh at our children because they
understand too well the true meaning of love...They want to be us. They want to have that relationship with
their other half that we have…WOW! How
many teenagers want to have the life/relationship with their other self that we
their parents have!
Keep pushing me!
Keep demanding me to get my shit together!
Expect the best from me, it is what has helped me become
My safety net, my protector, my true other half!
Thank you! This is
what helps me get through those trying times!
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