Thursday, July 9, 2015

My First Steps to A New Beginning - 07/09/2015

Part of moving forward and staying positive is looking for the positive in my life and life around me. 
Part of getting better is seeking out what makes me happy.

Part of me healing and becoming a survivor rather than wallow in self-pity is forcing myself to find the best in whatever surrounds me.  It is being mindful of my surroundings and not allowing negative forces to bring down my spirits.

Overcoming multiple trauma throughout the years is difficult.  One moment you feel and believe that you have moved on.  Unfortunately when you encounter another trauma, past feelings, past guilt, past pain becomes your normal reality.

The important thing is to work through all of those feelings and believing in yourself, believing that you deserve better, believing that you are a good person.

As I write this blog, I use it as a way to work through my pain.  It is not a blog full of self-pity, but one that is allowing me to express my feelings, let go some of those feelings, and being able to move on throughout the day. 

Even if for a moment, it is enough to get me to continue the day. 

It is a way for me to take all the negative thoughts, express them, and then taking them, putting them in a box.  A box that doesn’t make the feelings go away, just a box that allows me to continue my day. 

There are many ways that one must work the day out for themselves to keep them out of the bed, off the couch, or sitting somewhere crying and feeling sorry for themselves.  There are so many ways to do this.

  • Set a schedule, even if it is every 30 minutes of every day.  Make the schedule from a set time to wake up, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a shower and get dressed.  Even more helpful, make your bed and leave your room.  Staying in a room with a bed only gives you the out to jump back in it once the feelings become overwhelming.
  • If you have a job, have a set time that you will make breakfast for yourself, have a cup of coffee to start your day off, walk out the house and begin a productive day at work. 

  • I have not done it yet, but definitely plan to…take note cards or post-its, post them on your bathroom mirrors.  While you are brushing your teeth and taking care of your hygiene for the morning, read those words of inspirations that you sit down, take the time to really write out and understand who you are, and read them, one by one.  Put at least (31) up.  While you read each one of those (31), choose one a day that you will focus on.   
  • Also, add pictures of people in your life that bring you joy, support you, and you know you can count on.  Look at those faces before you start the day so that you know that you have people you can call on if and when needed throughout the day. 

  • While you are having your breakfast or morning coffee, make sure you have a journal, notebook.  Decorate it with those same pictures, and words of wisdom.  Then write.  It doesn’t have to be long.  It can be as simple as noting what inspiring words you are going to focus on and ways you are going to use it in your day.  Then, if you have anything additional you want to write, go ahead and do just that. 
  • Take this notebook with you.  Carry it with you.  If throughout the day you have beautiful thoughts, thoughts of pain, random thoughts that you cannot clear in your mind, but your thoughts are racy and you just need to release them from your mind, write it down and remember:  you are putting it down on a piece of paper.  Kind of the same as putting them in a box to work through those thoughts later if you need to.

Regardless of how your day goes, these few steps will help.  I do know this because while I have not placed words of inspiration or pictures of loved ones on my bathroom mirror, I do carry around a journal and try to jot thoughts down, especially when they are overwhelming.  I might not do it quite as much as I should, but I try.

Try is the key word.  I know from experience.  I know what does and does not work for me.  Whether or try to do what works for me or not, I know what I need to do.  Again, the key word is trying.

There is a lot of other things I can do.  But for me, this is where I am going to start.  I am also going to try to do my daily blogging.  It might help others, and that is great if it does.  However, this is what I am going to work on for myself because I am tired of doing the same thing that has definitely not worked for me in quite a while.  I am ready for change, ready for a new beginning, ready to let go and be happy and back to who I liked to be and others enjoyed being with, laughing and doing things that are happy and productive.

Hope everyone that reads this has a wonderful day!

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