Young lady, it is time to wake and begin your day.
I truly understand the difficulties this one task is,
especially when you are thinking about all of the other stuff you need and
should be doing.
But, young lady, it is time to wake and begin your day.
Take a deep breath, breathe in through your nose and exhale through
your mouth three times.
Nice deep breaths. Then open those beautiful eyes of yours and rise yourself
from your bed.
Brush those pearly white teeth of yours while being mindful
to what you are doing. Each stroke, up
and down and all the crevices in that beautiful mouth of yours, enjoy the
feeling of the mint taste of your toothpaste work its way.
As you rinse the toothpaste, take in the mint smell.
Then, take that washcloth of yours, turn on the water, as
warm as you can bare. Soak it up with
your soap and with each stroke, scrub that beautiful face of yours.
After you rinse your beautiful face, look into the mirror
and smile at that young lady smiling back at you.
No make-up, no facade to hide that beautiful face of
Look at that cocoa skin and tell that young lady, she is
beautiful, she is loved and she is going to have a wonderful day.
As you warm the water to shower, don’t be afraid to look in
the mirror and embrace that body you see in the mirror. Tell that young lady that you like what you
As you let the warm water hit your body, take your washcloth
full of that beautiful smelling soap and gently clean the day before and the
night away. Take in each stroke as you
clean that beautiful cocoa skin and let the water rinse you away the soap. Take that beautiful smelling body wash and
take in each stroke and let the water rinse away the soap.
As you dry that beautiful cocoa skin and rub that cocoa
butter all over your body, look in the mirror and tell that young lady looking
back at you, nourishing the body with love and appreciation of oneself is good
for the soul.
Look in the mirror and take your arms and hold that young
lady in the mirror tight with the tender arms of someone who loves her.
Young lady, as you dress to start your day, tell yourself
all of the things you want to work on at accomplishing for that day. Remind that young lady that anything that is
accomplished is one more thing to be proud of.
Go back to the bathroom, and look at that young lady in the
mirror. Tell her:
“I love you!”
“You are a good person!”
“You are beautiful!”
“You are somebody!”
“I love you, yes I do!”
Today, young lady, do not put on any make-up. Take that moisturizer, rub it deep on that
beautiful face and stroke by stroke, all while looking in the mirror, and tell
that young lady looking back at you that you love what you see!
Today young lady, you are going to take little steps, but
you are going to begin with what I have told you. You are going to work at loving that young
lady you see in the mirror first, every morning and trust me, everything else
for the day will fall in place.
Young lady, it is time to wake and begin your day.
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