Saturday, February 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Mommy!

She didn't realize it, but the moment I left the womb, she carried me for those nine plus months, I was looking for her.

My senses were in full motion.
I already knew what she sounded like, what she smelled like, what she felt like.
I was waiting for that special moment to gaze into the eyes of that woman of purity.
I wanted to finally see the woman that gave me life, nurtured my every need and spoke to me from the heart, all day, everyday.
I wanted to finally feel the warm tender arms of that woman whose womb of love, strength, and nurture warmed for those nine plus months.
I was ready to smell her breath onto me as she whispered words of love while counting my tiny fingers and toes and making sure I was perfect.
Perfect in her eyes.  The way God made me according to his perfection, just for her.

As tears of joy flowed from her eyelids, down her cheeks onto mine, the sweet smell of the breast milk turned my tiny mouth towards her breast to bring more bonding time.
Of course it is when we become older that we understand how strong the bond between mother and child is.
Especially when we become mother's ourselves.

The many times I watched you put your needs before your own.
Never truly appreciated it like I do now.  But I believe I remember all of it.  I know I remember all of it.
Working where were went to childcare so you could have as much time with us as possible. 
Working third shift because it was more important to put us on the bus and be there when we got off the bus.
Let's not forget...also, so you were home with me after kindergarten half day.
And, making sure I ate lunch before nap time, even though you were tired and only had a few more hours to rest before going back to work.

I can't remember you ever missing a parent/teacher conference or back to school night.
School performances, you were always there.
I have pictures to prove it!

We can't forget the thousand and thousand of hours you volunteered all of your free time as a Girl Scout leader.
Yes, you helped hundreds of young girls AND their families.
But more importantly, you started because you wanted me to feel like I belonged.
You wanted to make sure I had experiences to last a lifetime.  
Your love for me gratefully spread to help so many others.
My experiences because of you brought me many endless and wonderful opportunities.

Your love for me broke your heart sometimes.
But your love for me never changed.
You may never tell me, but that is okay because I am now a mother myself...and I know!
Many nights you tossed and turned wondering, worrying, and praying that God's protection would be enough.
I tell you today, it was and always will be!

Those nights you worried, those times you put your children's needs before yours, those times you wondered if you did everything you could have done as a parent for us, I can assure you of this...God never sleeps during our storms.  Whether we are in a storm or simply resting, He is not sleeping!

Today is your birthday. 
For these wonderful 60 years you have graced us with your presence and your love, you have truly tilled, plowed, and sowed your garden with the seeds you have been blessed with.

While I thank you for being a loving, passionate, hard-working, dedicated, and inspirational mother AND father to us, I thank God for choosing you to be our mother!

Enjoy the many blessings and treasures you are meant to receive!


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