Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Love Letter To My Husband: Happy 19th Year Wedding Anniversary

I remember that early morning as if it was yesterday.

The words you whispered in my ears still burn like candle wax on my skin.

Not enough to burn, but enough to make me take note and feel wax melt onto my skin.

Enough to feel the message that so needed to be heard, so needed to be answered.

That morning, what seemed so long ago I turned my body towards you, wrapped my arms around your neck, and looked you into your eyes with tears falling down my cheeks and told you that I was afraid.  I told you I didn't know if I had it in me to fight anymore.

As I turned my body away, you took my body and wrapped me within yours, holding me tightly.

You laid your chin in my neck and whispered to me;

"You know I love you, right?"
"We will do whatever we have to do so you can get better!"
"Me and the kids will be fine, we will have to be!"
"I want my wife back!"
"I don't want a shell, I want Michelle back!"

Only people that understand and respect true love could appreciate what those words meant to me.

Time after time, twenty-one years of commitment to each other, nineteen years of marriage, and three beautiful children, you have proved yourself to be the essence of a man of God, and a man of honor, over and over again!

We have had many trials and tribulations throughout our years, yet we have always come through them stronger and wiser.

When I have needed strength, encouragement, and support, you have been front and center.  You have been my number one cheerleader.  Always the quietest, but truly the loudest in spirit.

The biggest gift you have given me these twenty-one years is our three beautiful children.

Actually, that is a lie!  That is the second biggest gift!  The first is your love as their father!

We are truly blessed that you have shown them through love what a Daddy is.

You are a provider, hardworking, tough, supporting, and loving.

You have this relationship with each of the kids that I enjoy watching.

My children are lucky to have a loving Daddy in their lives and I am truly grateful that we together gave them life!

Lastly, I thank God for making you just for me.

He knew exactly what He was doing when He placed us in each other's paths.  We are on a journey right now that might seem difficult, painful, and most of the time impossible with no end at sight.  Please, know this.  Just like you always have had me, just like you have have me, always my knight and shining armor, I also got you!  We got us!  We are nineteen years strong as a married united couple and I love you for life.

God knew exactly what he was doing when he designed you.  He designed you just for me.  You are my anchor.  You are the anchor of our ship, our household.  You, along with my God hold the key to my heart, to my soul and I hold the key to yours, and together we will continue to see the beauty within each other and experience the rest of our lives together the way we are meant to.


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