Many times we get into a place where it becomes easier to focus on everything negative going on in our lives. We lose ourselves and let's face it, sometimes, it just feels good to bitch it out. We want to yell, curse, blame, and get pissed off about anything and everything to make us feel better at that very moment.
But let us really think about this. Does it really make us feel good at the end of our rant?
For myself, if I give myself five minutes, it does feel good to let it off my chest. Anymore than those five minutes, it only makes me more infuriated. It only makes me more tense. I can feel the anger build up in my body, overwhelming every part of my being. My anger becomes toxic, and whatever that thing, that issue was that I was ranting about is now consuming my life and I am now becoming unproductive.
So, I started a practice that has become very beneficial to me. I learned this through therapy. Daily, I identify my PIG (POSITIVE - INSPIRATION - GRATEFUL).
This allows me to focus on something that is going well for me. It makes me realize that there is ALWAYS something that is going well for me. It allows me to get away from the negative thoughts in my head. If there is negativity, it is my responsibility to turn it into a positive.
The picture below is a notebook I picked up from a store and decorated the front. The front are clips from magazines and newspapers taped and then covered with mod podge. Each day I list a PIG. I actually carry this with me so if there is ever a moment throughout the day when I am having a moment and need to be uplifted with positive energy, I can turn to a page and remember all I have to be grateful for.
Just a thought, give it a try, share with others. This is great to do for yourself, to make as a gift for someone (a child or friend), or do as a art project with a group (scouts, school, camp, etc.).
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