Saturday, April 2, 2016

#PIG (Positive - Inspiration - Grateful) - 04/02/2016

#PIG (Positive - Inspiration - Grateful) - 04/02/2016

#Positive - Just watching and being with my husband and children for the first time in close to 4 months, #understanding and #appreciating what #TrueLove and #UnconditionalLove feels and looks like.  Watching my daughters paddle boarding and trying and trying until they could succeed to their own abilities.

#Inspiration - Knowing that regardless of the obstacles we as a #family are facing, my husband is willing to do whatever is necessary, even if it means facing some major losses, as long as the end result is that I get better and our family is #reunited with me #healther, #happier, feeling #safe, and #NoLongerAShellButABetterMichelle

#Grateful - #Grateful that I am able to be open to #receive #HIS #blessings and realize that yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet here and I need to live in today and #embrace every moment in it.   #WeMustBeReadyToReceiveWhenItIsOurTime #HaveFaith #InHisTimeNotMine

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